Mark Hoffman - Board Member

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I received a BS in History from Nasson College, Springvale Maine and a teaching certificate for the State of Maine. My first job was as Director of the Portland Food Coop (PBA). Spent many a summer in North Haven, Maine sailing Penobscot Bay. My mother is from Bangor, Maine and I have been visiting family and friends in Bangor my whole life.

Worked as a Lighting Designer and toured with Tom Petty and J. Geils Band. Received an MS in Engineering and worked in Astrodynamics and Cyber security before transitioning to Medical Devices and Project Management. I volunteer for the Nasson Little Theatre in Springvale, Maine and designed the theatre’s lighting system, sound system, acoustics and electrical system. Interests include: Hiking, Kayaking, Sailing, Music and Gardening.